Big Bend Bassmasters, Ravenswood, WVis a local bass club dedicated to the weekend tournament angler.

Big Bend is an affiliated chapter of the TBF, Inc./MLF and the West Virginia Bass Federation.

Big Bend Bassmasters was formed by charter on March 22, 1989. It currently has Eighteen club members for 2025, including our one lifetime member

The Purposes of Big Bend Bassmasters are:
To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major participation sport.

To offer our state conservation departments our organized moral and political support and encouragement.

To demand adequate water standards and legal enforcement of existing regulatory standards.

To encourage private and governmental study to restore and maintain top bass fishing for ourselves and our children.

To promote and encourage youth fishing through education and participation.

To enjoy the sheer exhilaration of competitive bass fishing and to share the experience with others.
(Charter Member)
Roy Headley
(Web site Administrator)
Mark Lewis

Ravenswood, WV 26164

Are you looking to join a bass club?

  The club Big Bend Bassmasters here in Ravenswood, West Virginia has openings for those in the surrounding areas that might be interested in joining the club for a chance to fish tournaments that takes us to local waters such as the Ohio, and Kanawha River, and Stonewall Jackson, Burnsville, Sutton, Summersville, and Tygart Lake.
   Boaters are welcome, but must have operating live wells, and at least $300,000 water liability insurance.  

                       Contact us at(304)-532-7857 
    Between the hours 11:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., EST
Monday thru Friday.

Big Bend Bassmasters, Ravenswood, WV 26164

Club Email Address :
Put in subject line...Attn. Big Bend Bassmasters
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This page was last updated: February 9, 2025

What's New !
West Virginia Bass Federation 2015 & 2016 State Team 
came in first place at the Mid-Atlantic Divisional.

Tommy Goodson pictured with Jimmy Houston!!!

Posted: 03-24-2013

TBF Online Roster for 2019:
Big Bend Bassmasters club roster has been updated on the TBF online roster for 2019.
Big Bend Bassmasters now has (20) twenty active club members for 2019 Tournament Trail year.
Get your fishing gear and boats ready to tournament fish !!!
Posted: 05-21-2019

New Club Weight Record & Total Bass Record:
Club member Randy Norris has finally broke the all time club weight record and number of bass caught. 
Finishing up the 2012 Tournament Trail with a total weight of 64.36 lb. and 47 bass caught.
Randy has broken the old record that Jim Merical had that weighed 54.41 lb. back in 2002.
Good job Randy!!!
or should I say Grandpa!!!
Posted: 07-31-2012

Good Job Randy!!!
During Big Bend Bassmasters 2010 Tournament Trail,
Randy Norris brought a total of 44 bass to the club scales of which beat 
the all time club record of 39 bass that Jim Merical had held.
Posted: 07-19-2010

Sponsor's of our Big Bend Bassmasters Awards Banquet and Ladies Appreciation Night
Would like to thank our Sponsor's for their door prizes and for making our banquet such a success.
Listed below is all our club Sponsor's.
Once again....THANK YOU!  
Posted:  02-15-2015

Big Bend Bassmasters made an all time Club Record:
For the first time ever, Big Bend Bassmasters had six club member's go to the 2009
Northern Qualifier and for a overall of the two day tournament came in Third Place as a club.  
This is the best as a club, Big Bend has ever done at a Qualifier.
Those club member's are Tommy Goodson, Adam Leachman, Mark Lewis, 
Randy Norris, Dale Taylor and Rick Vincent.  
Dale Taylor finished in Sixth Place at the Northern Qualifier.
Mark, Randy, Dale, and Rick all qualified to go on to the State tournament, but with only one making the State Team and that was Randy Norris. 
Good job guy's!
2010 Northern Qualifier:
Big Bend Bassmasters came in fourth place overall this year.
Posted: 02-23-2011

2024 Club Sponsor's  

2024 Banquet - Roadhouse 2081 - Ripley, WV​
T & T Taxidermy
Wrights Riverside Marina 
Ohio River Outdoors LLC
Hornbeck's Bait & Tackle
Viking Power Nutrition
Evergreen Florist of Ripley, WV
The Yacht Club of Fairplains, WV
Arby's of Ripley, WV
Domino's of Ripley, WV
Tudors of Ripley, WV
Cozumels of Ripley, WV
Dairy Queen of Ripley, WV
Bob Evans of Ripley, WV
Bridgeport Equipment

     2025 Buddy Trail: Sunday's   (Tournament Dates with a x approval by the DNR.)               
 WVBF Meeting: 2nd of March & Nov.      State Championship Qualifiers:
xApril 13th - Sutton Lake                              Northern Qualifier: on Sunday
xApril 27th - Summersville Lake                xSeptember 28th– St. Mary's ramp, Ohio River   
xMay 4th - Burnsville Lake 
xMay 18th - Moundsville, Ohio River
xJune 1st - Mon River                                  Southern Qualifier: on Saturday
xJuly 12th -Championship - Mon. River     xSeptember 27th – Sutton Lake
xWVBF State Championship: Moundsville ramp, Ohio River - October 18th & 19th
xBuddy Trail Championship: Mon. River, July 12th
xTBF Semi National: (WV Hosting) September 20th & 21st - Hannibal Pool, Powhatan ramp
 Ford Gregory Fun Tournament: Sutton Lake, November 1st